Why Knack?
It's the best tutoring experience in the world. Here's why:
There's no cost to you
Your school pays for your tutoring. That's right—free peer tutoring, baby!
Find tutors who aced your exact course
These tutors know what's up—they're fellow students who attend your school and have walked in your shoes.
Get help anytime, anywhere
In-person or online. Morning or night. 1-on-1 or bring a friend. It's accessible however you need it.
It's simple & intuitive
Our web & mobile apps keep it all in one place, from finding tutors, to messaging, to having sessions. This ain't your typical college software.
Students love Knack
Join the thousands of students who use Knack to help pass their classes with flying colors.
60,000+ students served and counting
☝️Hear it from real students
Amazing experience, my tutor truly helped me understand the questions which I was confused about, as well as went into depth, and settled my anxiety before the test.
🎒 Gillian B. KSU
I think Knack exceeds other tutoring centers because Knack tutor are from my school and took the same courses as me, usually within the year or so.
🎒 Fatima E. UF
The interface is user friendly and bug free as far as I've used it. The tutors respond quickly.
🎒 Lindsay G. UF
I love that it is a free service with tutors that are around my age and have taken the same professors.
🎒 Erica B. UF
My tutor was great. Even when she’s on the road she still makes sure you are getting the help you need.
🎒 Ashleigh R. Benedict
I love how easy to use the platform is. I've been able to find so many qualified student tutors from my school through Knack and because of this I've been able to memorize the material from each of my classes better and get above average exam grades.
🎒 Julissa V. Tutor
How it works
Get the help you need in three easy steps:
1. Match with tutors
Request help in your course(s) and interested tutors will reach out.
2. Have a session
Schedule the session and meet up in person or online in our built-in Online Classroom.
3. Keep it going
Stay ahead by making your meetings weekly and finding new tutors as needed!
Frequently asked questions
Can I get free tutoring?
The only way to know for sure is to sign up for Knack. Your school may support all students with free tutoring on Knack, but they may choose to support a specific subset of students instead.
If you've received an email from Knack about free tutoring, then you should be qualified to receive help in at least one course at no cost.
In any case, the best thing to do if you want free tutoring on Knack is to sign up and request it. Even if you aren't currently covered, we'll let your school know that you want to be. -
Are tutors on-demand?
Nope. Knack is not a "click-to-connect" tutoring provider. Knack is a platform to get connected with a peer tutor from your campus, who can provide support throughout the duration of the semester.
Once you get connected with your tutor, you should meet with them for at least one hour every week to ensure optimal results. We all know that cramming doesn't work, and it's no different with a tutor! Sign up today.
How good are the tutors?
Let the results speak for themselves. In a 2022 study, we found
89.4% of students credited tutors on Knack for helping them improve their grades
96.5% of students said that tutors on Knack helped them build confidence in their studies.
99.8% session satisfaction rate
It's pretty safe to say tutors on Knack know their stuff. It's probably because they come from your school and have often taken the exact same course you're enrolled in. Sign up today!
Are tutors available for my course?
The only way to know for sure is to sign up for Knack. Your school may support all courses on Knack, but they may choose to support a specific subset of courses instead.
In courses that are supported, there will likely be tutors available. In any case, the best thing to do if you want tutoring in your course on Knack is to sign up and request it.
Even if your school isn't supporting your course, we'll let them know that you want them to.