Make Extra Money
Earn money while at school! Get paid to
tutor other students with the flexibility to
make your own schedule.
Become a peer tutor with Knack and get paid for helping other students, all while enjoying the flexibility of making your own schedule.
Tutoring is a great way to make extra money while at the University of Utah, build professional skills, and earn experience for your resume to help land a job after graduation!
*Please sign up using your University of Utah email address.
All you need to start is a B+ on your transcript.
Through Knack’s official partnership with the University of Utah, you can earn $14/hr tutoring select classes in which you received a B+ or higher.
Tutor as little or as much as you would like by only accepting the tutoring sessions you want. The earning potential is unlimited and there are no obligations.
Knack is paid for by your school.
This means you get paid, while students get to learn for free. Finding students to tutor is easy. You’ll be notified when students request help in your approved courses. Respond to their request and set up a time to tutor them either in person or online via the Knack Online Classroom!
Earn money while at school! Get paid to
tutor other students with the flexibility to
make your own schedule.
Knack tutors reported improved communication
skills, increased confidence in their academic abilities,
and a better understanding of the subject matter.
Working as a peer tutor can have a positive
impact on future career prospects, as
employers value the skills you’re developing.
Tutoring is an incredibly rewarding experience.
Connect with your school’s community and make
a real, positive impact on your fellow students.
From signing up to cashing out, we built a seamless experience with a dedicated support team standing by.
Verify your grades with a photo of
your official or unofficial transcript.
Tell us which class you would most
like to tutor.
Get paid to complete your school's required training module.
* Training may be bypassed if you’ve previously completed a CRLA-certified training program.
When I started tutoring, I realized how good it makes me feel to help other people. I'm not the one receiving the grade, but it just made me feel good to know that I could help out another student.
Not only is it a rewarding leadership opportunity that looks amazing on a resume, but you also get to interact with your fellow students. It's going to make you a better person, a better employee, a better leader. With Knack, the opportunities are endless.
I like the fact that Knack is only for college students, most of which are on the same path as me. I really feel like I'm giving back to the future of healthcare or whatever path my students are on.